Produce Your Own Show

Tired of watching the same old stuff on television? Got a great idea for a program but you need the resources to make it happen? If you answered Yes to either of these questions - and you live in one of our member cities - then we can help! The LMCC is your community television studio. We offer free training and assistance to help you get started in video production!

All you need to do is call the LMCC at (952) 471-7125 and take our free production classes. Once you have successfully completed our four-week course, you can use the LMCC's studio and equipment at no charge. It's that simple! Email us for more information.

Non-profits are encouraged to use the LMCC to get their message out. Use our station to reach a wider audience!

LMCC is featured in the latest edtion of Lake Minnetonka Magazine!  CLICK HERE

LMCC Studio


Serving the Cities of:

Deephaven-Logo-New City of Excelsior logo City of Greenwood logo City of Independence logo Long-Lake-New logo City of Loretto logo City of Minnetonka Beach logo Shorewood new city logo
City of Spring Park logo City of St. Bonifacius logo WoodlandCity Deephaven-Logo-New City of Excelsior logo Long-Lake-New logo City of Loretto logo City of Minnetonka Beach logo